Thompson Chiropractic

What to Expect When Receiving Your First Massage

9.04.2018 | Fred Hernandez

What to Expect When Receiving Your First Massage

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Massage therapy can improve conditions like anxiety, headaches, insomnia, sport injuries, digestive issues, joint pain, and a host of other conditions. In addition to standard treatment, massages can effectively improve these conditions and improve your mood. Getting your first massage, however, can be an intimidating process. While you don’t need any significant preparation to receive your first massage, these tips can help you ease your worries before your massage therapy begins.

Before Your Massage

After booking your appointment with a licensed massage therapist, check their website for intake forms you can download and fill out before you arrive. If you are unable to fill the forms out before you arrive, arrive 15 minutes beforehand to fill the documents out. In the forms, you’ll detail your health history, medication use, skin conditions, problem areas, and any allergies or injuries that can interfere with the massage. Massage therapists may use oils or lotions that contain nut as ingredients.

Since you’ll be laying down on your stomach for an extended period of time, you may want to avoid eating a big meal beforehand. Massage therapist will supply their own music and, sometimes, aromatherapy. Feel free to bring in your own music or aromatherapy blend to help you relax. Before stepping into the massage therapy room, make sure to turn off your phone to set yourself up for a completely relaxing experience.

During Your Massage

If you’re concerned about privacy, you are free to uncloth as much as you want. Your therapist will never expose your private areas during a massage. Massage therapists will only uncover the sheet on top of your body over the body part they’re working on. Before starting the massage, the therapist will exit the room to give you privacy while you uncloth and get under the massage sheet. After a few minutes, your therapist will knock on the door to ensure you are ready.

There are a variety of massage therapies and techniques that your massage therapist may employ. During the massage, don’t hesitate to let your massage therapist know if you want more or less pressure applied. Also, feel free to let them know if you’d like to lower the volume or change the music, altogether. Everyone experiences their first massage in different ways. You may feel relaxed, sleepy, or even euphoric.

You’ll lay down comfortably on a specially-designed table for massages. Massages typically start with the person facing down. The table has an opening for your face, along with a face cradle to support your head. Massage tables may look differently, but all are padded with cushions to support your body. Don’t feel like you need to talk to the massage therapist. The session is all about your specific physical therapy. If you feel more comfortable talking to your therapist, you can also do that.

After Your Massage

After your massage, the massage therapist will exit the room, so you can dress freely. Your muscles may feel a bit sore, similar to the soreness experienced after a workout. If you’re not very active or couldn’t relax during the sessions, your muscles may feel tense. These mild symptoms won’t last more than 48 hours. Even if you aren’t feeling sore, you should abstain from going back to work. You want to maintain the stress-free environment to help you relax afterwards.

Don’t forget to book your next appointment if you liked your massage. Regular massages can improve your mood, health, focus, and sleep. Your massage therapist may set-up a recommended plan for how often you should get massages, especially for certain medical conditions. For the most therapeutic benefits, set-up a massage appointment for every two weeks to treat the affected muscles. Appointments can become more staggered as you see improvements.

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